The planning application to demolish the Drysalters pub in Beeston and build a drive through coffee shop has been rejected by Leeds City Council.
In a decision dated 14 September 2020, officers said:
“The Public House is considered to form a valued and sustainable facility and which has a strong social objective in supporting communities health, social and cultural well-being both primarily locally within Cottingley / Beeston / Churwell and secondly in a wider catchment across the City of Leeds and beyond in its patronage and connections to Cottingley Crematorium and Leeds United Football Club. The loss of the Public House would reduce the community’s ability to meet its day-to-day needs in an area where other immediately accessible opportunities are very limited. It is not considered that the introduction of a coffee shop / drive-through premises would give a suitable alternative offer to this community loss.”
Hayley Guy from the Save The Salters group told South Leeds Life:
“I am overwhelmed at the response we have had from the #savethesalters Facebook group, we have over 2,000 members and it’s been really proactive. We’ve had over 100 objections to the demolition, even the local Labour Councillors have objected in our support and have backed us all the way.
“The council’s decision to refuse the demolition and building of a coffee shop is a fantastic outcome for the community, and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to object and get involved with the petition.
“We will be having a meeting soon to discuss what happens next, and hopefully we could get a potential investor to buy the pub and keep it for the Cottingley community. It’s also somewhere safe and better managed for Leeds United away fans to visit when football is on. It will stop anti-social behaviour in the city centre if the away fans have somewhere close to the ground to go for a pre and post match pint, also stopping fans drinking alcohol in the streets.”
Photo: Google streetview
Fantastic news!! Well done everyone who played a part, and to the planning department for seeing sense.
The bad news is it will be turned into a “Multi Faith Centre” regardless of opposition.
Is this just a random quasi racist comment or does it have any relevance to this issue.
There is always one that tries to deflect from a positive outcome. See this for what it is, which is good news for the local area! Well done to the campaigners and supporting Councillors .
This is fantastic news for the local and wider community. Hope it stays open for many years to come.