Direct from South Leeds Life Café at Middleton Elderly Aid.
1st is Blanche.

My Name is Blanche I came into Middleton Elderly Aid Centre about 4 months ago after been invite by a friend. I decided after my visit to become a Volunteer.
I now serve the members every 2 weeks on a Wednesday with Drinks and Bacon Sandwiches and any other work that arises. I also work on a Saturday at the Centre, again serving Breakfasts and clearing Tables.
Samantha, Adele, Staff and Volunteers , Members are so Friendly and accommodating. I just wish I had walked into the centre sooner. I’m now getting used to getting to know everyone.
By Eileen Cawood

I joined Middleton Elderly Aid Centre a few years ago. A friend introduced me to the Line Dancing Class, and then joined The Dance On/exercise and also he Arm in Arm Walking Group.
I really enjoyed all these activities, but unfortunately I started having trouble with my feet and had to give up all 3 activities .
I was asked to join the Middleton Elderly Aid Gardening Club, and glad I did, I really enjoy it. I get pleasure in planting the seeds and watching them grow and re-potting them in the MEA Garden.
I go most days to the centre and joined The Lunch Club, I go to these twice a week. I go on my own, and going to the Centre keeps me occupied.
I have made some lovely friends since joining the Middleton Elderly Aid Centre,
Samantha Ely, who is in charge and her staff and Volunteers cant do enough for us and all work very hard and all very kind and helpful.
I would advice anyone over 60 living in the area to join the MEA Centre and to join all the many activities , trips, Holidays etc. All the Members are lovely people.
Also may I mention we are always needing help to keep up with the Garden. You turn up at your convenience any day and time when the centre is open. Please speak to Sam or Adele if you would like to joint the Gardening Group.
From, Eileen Cawood. MEA Member.
Now from Linda.
My name in Linda and I’ve lived in Middleton most of my life. I first started attending Middleton Elderly Aid after the Death of my Husband, David 8 years go. As i had cared for David for 20 years and I spent most of my life with him it left a huge void in my life.
I volunteered for Middleton Elderly Aid for a couple of years before Corvid struck. But having to shielding found it hard to go anywhere. But i was convinced to go to Middleton Elderly Aid again, which is the thing I did.
I go nearly every Day, and enjoy the company of really nice people, the coffee, and of course the Bingo.
I now volunteer again, and I still enjoy it.
The staff are amazing, and are always thinking of new activities to suit everyone taste.
Anyone who is feeling lonely, come along you will be made to feel welcome and make new friends, or see old ones as i did.
Thank you to To Sam, Adele all staff and volunteers.
From Linda Batty. Middleton Elderly Aid Member and Volunteer.
Ken says:
What lovely stories from Members and Volunteers of Middleton Elderly Aid. I was partially moved by Linda’s story. Hope you have found peace at MEA.
I look forward to more stories at The South Leeds Life News Café.