The Residents of Intake Square were dancing in the street as DAZL brought their Garden Groovers project to Middleton last Wednesday (27 May 2020).
Garden Groovers is a one hour outdoor dance session, led by DAZL’s professional dance leaders. You don’t have to travel and you can keep your safe ‘social distance’ whilst you make your moves. It’s an easy class that anyone of any age can join in, or you can just come to your gate and clap along to the music.
Ian Rodley, DAZL’s Director, said:
“The sessions have been really successful, we had 70 people engaged at Intake Square, it was fantastic.
“I want say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has been involved and especially the Youth & Community Team at BARCA who have been brilliant.
“We just want to get people together, get them dancing and having fun. If you want Garden Groovers on your street, get in touch.
Sessions are already lined up for Nesfield Gardens, Sissons Road, Lingwell Approach and Windmill Road.
Film by Wayne Sable
Garden Groovers isn’t the only thing DAZL has been busy with during the lockdown. As soon as it had to cancel physical classes, DAZL took all their groups online. You can carry on with your weekly dance class via Facebook – full details of how to sign up safely are on the DAZL website here.
They have also been delivering food parcels to 40 families in South Leeds each week and from next week they will double that to cover 80 families. The parcels include an activity pack with dance activities for those who can’t access the internet. For more information Please contact Amy & Chrisie via email – community@dazl.org.uk or Call/Text 07519 018675.
DAZL has been involved in the Healthy Holidays work in Leeds for several years now, providing lunches at their activity camps during school holidays. The work has also involved teaching children about eating a healthy diet.
“DAZL isn’t just about physical activity, although that’s at the core of what we do” explains Ian. “It’s about helping young people to be healthy, whether that’s movement, healthy eating or mental health.”
DAZL’s community focus stretches to a weekly check-in phone call to parents to make sure they’re coping and offer help and advice.
Garden Groovers is funded by Leeds Community Foundation‘s Healthy Holidays and Leeds Inspired