Steve Peacock guest posts on the the most recent meeting of the Cross Ingrams Area Resaidents’ Association in Holbeck which took place on Tuesday.
Seventeen members came along. It was also supported by Councillor Adam Ogilvie, Helen Mallinson (Aire Valley Homes), PCSO Jonathan Wilson, Iain Kyles (Council Housing Project Advisor), and Lynn Towler and Bev Rice both from Library Services. Topics covered were: trees, grass cutting, highways, waste/litter, Holbeck prostitutes, anti-social behaviour, meet and greet scheme, Spotted Cow car park, Holbeck library, allotments, and environmental improvement projects.
PCSO Wilson gave an update on the current situation regarding the prostitute problem in Holbeck. He reminded residents to report sightings using the new telephone number 101.
Iain Kyles updated the meeting on the PFI housing scheme in Holbeck. The contract is expected to be signed by the end of March to start in July. New housing build will not start until 2013.
Refurbishment of 400 existing properties will take three years. It will include extensive work both externally and internally. The work will be carried out wherever possible without tenants having to temporarily move out of the property. CIARA members were both happy and disappointed: happy at the scope of the work; a little disappointed that they were scheduled to be one of the last on the list.
Bev Rice and Lynn Towler discussed the new mobile library service operating in Holbeck; it has been a big success, especially atIngramRoadSchool, and has encouraged 168 more people to join the library since the old Library closed last year. Feedback about the service from residents was encouraged.
Leaflets were distributed to members. Adam Ogilvie explained the situation regarding a new library in St Matthews: possible European funding has disappeared; the performance of the mobile service was being monitored; it was hoped to put some computers in St Matthews. There was a possibility that the old library building could become the post office.

Helen Mallinson dealt with several actions from the previous meeting and took an responsibility to deal with some new issues raised by members, including one of anti-social behaviour.
Finally, members expressed a desire to hold a social event on the Queens Diamond Jubilee weekend (2 – 5 June) – it could be a street party, fete, dance, fancy dress party, etc. Watch this space!
Next meeting
The next CIARA meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 March 2012.