Leeds City Council has published a draft Traffic Regulation Order covering a large section of Holbeck aimed at tackling city centre commuter parking.
Measures include no waiting (double yellow lines) on one side of Holbeck Moor Road and pay and display charges for parking on the moor side of the road between 8am-6pm. A full time residents parking permit scheme will also be introduced for housing in the area between Holbeck Moor and Nineveh Road.
Other measures include more no waiting markings around junctions on Domestic Street and time limited waiting at the bottom of Beeston Road by St Luke’s primary school.
Full details can be found by visiting the interactive map at: www.leedstraffweb.co.uk/consult/main.html# you can also post your comments via the map.
Alternatively you can comment on, or object to the plans by e-mailing legal.development@leeds.gov.uk or writing to Mr J Levine, Development, Legal Services, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR by 12 noon on 17 April 2017 quoting reference W6114/AO417.