Active Leeds and British Cycling are creating a cycling hub in Cross Flatts Park, Beeston and are looking for volunteers to help make it a success.
Following a very uncertain year Carrine Green – British Cycling Community Officer is really excited to be finally back to activity. With Covid restrictions still preventing large scale cycling events from going ahead, it has meant that the led ride programme has been the focus of all recreational cycling activity.
The British Cycling led ride programmes come in the form of Breeze which is ladies only, and Guided Rides, which is a program for mixed groups and families. The rides are for all abilities and each ride gives full details of the type, distance, and route of the ride.
It is the perfect way to start back cycling in a supportive way. Check out the link to search for a ride near you, and an ever increasing number of cycle route ideas www.letsride.co.uk
Over the lockdown period Carrine has been working alongside Active Leeds to secure funding through the British Cycling Places to Ride fund to create and build a cycling hub in Cross Flatts Park, where we hope to be able to work alongside the community to develop opportunities for everyone, including balance bike sessions, junior and adult cycling.
As summer approaches Carrine, along with the British Cycling team look forward to welcoming new and returning cyclist back to activity.
British Cycling are on a mission to transform Britain into a great cycling nation. And we need your help to do it.
Do you enjoy cycling? Are you interested in inspiring more people to get out on a bike?
We are especially looking for volunteers who are enthusiastic about leading entry level or family friendly bike rides. Benefits include free Ride Leader training, free Ride Leader kit and access to a supportive network.
Come along to our webinar on Wednesday 2 June to find out more information about becoming a volunteer, and hear other volunteers experiences on leading rides on our HSBC UK Guided Rides and HSBC UK Breeze programmes.
Sign up to the webinar now by clicking here or scan the QR code below
Head to our website to find out more about our programmes www.letsride.co.uk/volunteer