A new community mural adorning a wall of the shopping centre in Cottingley was unveiled by Cllr Adam Ogilvie this afternoon (29 October 2015).

Adam commended everyone involved and thanked Nickie Ramsden from Groundwork, Sharon D’Ambrosio from Space and Mears, the Council’s housing repairs contractor, for their generosity. He said:
“This one of many great projects on Cottingley. We hope to have a multi use games area soon; we have the award winning Cottingley In Bloom group and Christine Robinson and her team are turning the Community Centre into a real hub for the estate.”
Nicola Ramsden from Groundwork explained how a group of young people including Lauren had Sharon had wanted to produce a piece of art that represented Cottingley in a positive light. They asked how big they could make it and with some help from Mears produced the mural in sections on wooden board. The boards are now fixed to the wall.
Sharon D’Ambrosio said: “This project has given young people a voice in the community.”
The mural is was part the Urban Oasis project Groundwork have been running on the estate in partnership with Mears, over the last few years. It depicts various features of the estate including the towers, the church, the 55 bus and the proximity to Elland Road football ground. The tree is decorated with hand prints made by residents at a community day earlier in the summer.
The Mural is looking good. Wish I had known more about it: but that’s Cottingley for you communication is difficult.