The Inner South Community Committee is holding two public workshops over the coming weeks to discuss environmental issues and mental health.
At the first event you are invited to ‘Have your say on environmental issues in your area’.
The session will discuss the current environmental offer; what the current priorities are and whether these priorities, which have largely remained the same for over three years, are still relevant. It will also be your chance to have input into how your community can begin to take greater stewardship of their environment.
The workshop runs from 6:30-8pm on Thursday 19 March at Beeston Village Community Centre, St Anthony’s Drive, Beeston, LS11 8PN. Sandwiches will be served from 6pm. Speaking about the workshop Cllr Angela Gabriel, Chair of the Inner South Community Committee said:
“I am passionate about the environment in our area. I encourage everyone to come along to this workshop, as it’s only together we can make where we live a better place.”
Mental Health Is Everyone’s Business
The second workshop will discuss mental health issues and how they affect the whole community. In particular it will examine social prescribing and how it will help tackle mental health issues locally. It will also debate social isolation and ask how we can work together to tackle it.
This second workshop runs from 5:30-7pm on Wednesday 26 March at Middleton Leisure Centre, Ring Road, Middleton, LS10 4AX. Sandwiches will be available from 5pm.
The workshop will be followed at 7pm by the Inner South Community Committee meeting.