The south Leeds arm of the Community Led Local Development programme, South Leeds Together and has up to £1.1 million of European Structural and Investment Fund monies to support economic development in the area through employment, skills and enterprise.
Following the release of the first and second calls in October and November the third call will be an open call running throughout 2019. It was launched on 25 February and will close on 17 December.
The programme will invite applications for the delivery of innovative projects in south Leeds to support people into employment and training, and to help create new businesses and support existing ones.
Rev Lindsey Pearson, Chair of the South Leeds Local Action Group, said:
“Local residents and volunteers from the third, private, and public sectors are working together on the Local Action Group and using their local knowledge to make a lasting difference in south Leeds.
“We’re excited to receive applications for innovative project ideas that will provide the support towards employment, training or self-employment that people really need and work with businesses to improve opportunities for local people.”
The fund will be supported by up to £1.1 million of funding from the England European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme.
To find out more about the funding please look at the CLLD website: www.leedsCLLD.co.uk. Or contact the CLLD Programme Team: CLLD.Programme.Team@Leeds.gov.uk. You can also hear about updates to the CLLD Programme through our Twitter Account @LeedsSouthCLLD
This post is based on a press release issued by South Leeds Together
Photo: Rev Lindsey Pearson at the strategy launch