We had some wonderful feedback following our recent term of the Cultural Community College and are just finalising plans for the Autumn term so keep your eyes peeled for our college programme which will be being delivered in Holbeck soon.
We’re excited to announce that these courses are not only available online but in real-life too: at The Holbeck and in the new classroom in the Slung Low Wood. You can also find out about our courses and all other events coming up by signing up to our mailing list via our website www.slunglow.org
Our Holbeck choir is returning online on Tuesday 15 September 7-8:30pm so if you’d like to Learn new songs, meet new people and sing from the comfort of your sofa then you should definitely join! The brilliant Tessa Smith will lead us through some beautifully composed songs via Zoom over two six-week terms. Everyone is welcome, no singing experience needed. Email sally@slunglow.org if you’d like to join.
We are excited to announce some brilliant performances coming up very soon.
Due to popular demand we’re bringing back our Lockdown gameshow YOU CAN BET WE’RE SOCIALLY DISTANCED! for one last 2020 outing. To celebrate our new permanent outdoor auditorium at The Holbeck, everyone’s favourite gameshow* will be live for all the family. There will be special guests, including ‘Slung Low’s House Band’.
Saturday 5 September 7:30pm.
Earlier that day, LS11’s very own Keira Martin, in collaboration with Sioda Adams, brings us ‘Good Blood’: a look at the relationship of two sisters through dance, live music, song and storytelling.
Saturday 5 September 2pm.
Gobscure comes to The Holbeck with this playfully political piece of theatre. This visual performance is about asking questions, regaining our voices and the importance of remembering.
Sunday 27 September 5pm
These events are Pay What You Decide and you can book via our website.
We’re making sure that everyone’s safe here at The Holbeck so do come and join us for a drink on Sundays – we’re open from 11:30am–4:30pm and 7:30-11pm. The snooker room is also open so if you’d like to book a slot then give us a call on (0113) 226 0808 or email us on theholbeck@slunglow.org
Finally if you’d like to pitch in with our food parcel deliveries in anyway, we particularly need drivers, then do get in touch.
This post was written by Sally Proctor
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