Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy in Middleton was inspected by Ofsted in June 2024. During the inspection, inspectors judged ‘the quality of education’ along with ‘behaviour and attitudes’ and ‘leadership and management as Good. ‘Personal development’ was judged to be Outstanding, leading to an overall effectiveness judgement of Good.
During their visit, inspectors met with leaders, staff, trustees and governors. They talked to students about their work and visited lessons, observed extra-curricular activities and form time sessions. They also spoke to curriculum leaders and teachers and looked in depth at areas of the curriculum, including mathematics, science, physical education and geography.
The report begins by recognising the incredible achievement that has been made since the academy opened less than three years ago in September 2021.
“Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy is an inclusive and welcoming school. Pupils are happy and confident. The school is focused on a ‘transformation to excellence’ which is evident in the words and actions of all involved.”
Throughout the inspection, inspectors noted that the quality of education provided by the academy has much to be proud of.
“Pupils study a curriculum which is ambitious, relevant and well considered. The school is clear about what pupils need to know and remember. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported at the school. Staff have the knowledge and skills required to identify and manage a wide range of needs. Staff are knowledgeable and passionate. They understand which concepts pupils might find difficult. Staff use assessment well.”
The inspection team were impressed with the school’s curriculum and the quality of the teaching.
“Pupils frequently reflect on their own learning. For example, ‘connect’ activities link back to previous lessons. There are regular opportunities for pupils to improve work. Staff use assessment well. This helps them to find out what pupils do, and do not, understand about the curriculum.”
The inspectors noted that
“Leaders focus effectively on improving pupils’ literacy and reading. The important vocabulary that pupils need to learn is specifically set out for each subject. Pupils who are at an early stage of learning to read get the help they need to improve their skills.”
The report also highlights how the academy provides outstanding opportunities for personal development
“The quality of pupil’s personal development is an exceptionally strong feature of the school. British values such as tolerance and respect are well taught and understood. Pupils’ differences are recognised and celebrated through an annual culture week and a pupil-led Afro-Fusion dance group. The school ensures all pupils access a wide range of experiences, including educational visits, foreign trips and talks from visiting speakers. These opportunities enable pupils to appreciate cultures, beliefs and traditions that are different from their own.”
The report also noted that
“Engagement in extra-curricular activities is high. Regular clubs, including dance, cookery, chess and choir, develop pupils’ talents and interests. Pupils decide together which charities to support. They are encouraged to debate important topical issues on a regular basis. These opportunities help pupils to learn about wider society and how they can make positive changes in it.”
The inspectors highlighted the huge impact that leaders at all levels across the school have made “Leaders are ambitious for what pupils can achieve both personally and academically.”
Throughout the inspection, inspectors saw the excellent behaviour and attitude of pupils that reflected the normal day to day life of the school.
“Pupils are confident, respectful and creative. Because of the opportunities the school provides and their positive relationships with adults, most pupils are happy and well motivated in their education. Pupils are inspired and ambitious for their futures.”
Executive Headteacher, David Gurney, said
“I would like to thank all students, staff, parents/carers, trustees and governors for their ongoing hard work, support and dedication to provide an excellent education. Our vision of ‘Transformation to Excellence’ focuses on a relentless drive to continue to improve and excel in all areas. This report recognises this drive that focuses on excellent academic outcomes, while developing the student’s character as part of a supportive and caring community. Three years ago, we made a commitment to the community in south Leeds and this report recognises an excellent achievement.”
Head of School, Victoria Smith, added
“The Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy community is extremely proud of the feedback provided by Ofsted. This result reflects a determined, whole team effort to provide an excellent education of each and every one of our students. All of our staff, families and young people have played a central role in ensuring that the academy prepares students for an ambitious future of learning and career, regardless of difference and challenge.”
Chair of the Board of Trustees, Peter Nuttall, said
“This inspection demonstrates that with the right mindset, and a willingness to build a new school for a community, remarkable results can be achieved. I congratulate the staff at Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy for their excellent work. The academy now joins our other two Cockburn MAT secondary schools, Cockburn School and Cockburn John Charles Academy, in providing the young people of south Leeds with the opportunity of a first-rate education.”
This post is based on a press release issued by Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy
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