Changes to bus services

New bus timetables come into force at the weekend (7-8 December 2019).

For the most part they are minor changes to improve punctuality. Affected routes are:

  • 2 / 3 / 3A
  • 12 / 13 / 13A
  • 51 /52
  • 74 / 74A
  • 75

A revised timetable will be introduced for the 74, running every 20 minutes. All journeys will operate via Sharp House. Service 74A will be withdrawn. An hourly through link with service 75 at Middleton will be retained.

Full timetables can be downloaded from the Metro website here:


2 Replies to “Changes to bus services”

  1. Improve punctuality of the buses that’s a joke,
    not used buses for quite some time when I did on Saturday my bus that was due came with out of service on it and so did the next two. Wanting people to use buses and leave your car at home you are joking some days it takes an hour from coming out of the house to getting to Leeds.

  2. I agree service absolutely useless! Get the timetables sorted 13a 13 and 12! Is a JOKE! Why do you have 3 buses turn up at once then none for 15 mins!

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