Clocks going back this weekend marks the start of changed opening hours for Leeds’ household waste sorting sites.
The city’s hubs for recycling, including Holmewell Road in Middleton, will close at 4pm from Monday 29 October.
All nine sites will continue to open at 8am, seven days a week.
A range of materials can be re-used and recycled at each site and the re-use shop at East Leeds household waste sorting site, Revive, is always on the look out for good quality, unused items.
Goods are sold by Revive at low prices with profits being ploughed back into the local charities – Emmaus, SLATE and SVP – that run the shop as a community interest group. Revive is also open seven days a week and doors open at 9am. From Monday 29 October Revive will close at 3.30pm.
Councillor Mark Dobson, executive member for the environment, said:
Cllr Mark Dobson
“We’d like to remind residents that if they are planning a trip to one of our household waste sorting sites, that while they’re still open at 8am every day, they will be closing a little earlier.
“We want to give people as many opportunities to recycle as possible. That’s why our sites are open all year round. In fact, they only close three days a year – Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
“We’ve seen some fantastic recycling rates over the summer and I hope residents will continue to work with us and staff on site to keep these achievements going.”
Summer opening hours for the sites – 8am to 6pm – will resume in April 2013.