It’s not just about Wimbledon fortnight, you can play tennis year round at the Indoor Tennis Centre, part of the John Charles Centre for Sport right here in South Leeds.

The centre houses six full size tennis pitches, but manager Dwight Brown explains whilst you can just turn up, pay and play, there’s a lot more on offer. The centre offers classes and competitions for players of all ages and standards.
“Everyone thinks they know how to play tennis, you can just turn up and play – here or at your local park and that’s fine. But like every other sport you can improve your game with training.
“Tennis is harder to play, but twice as rewarding. Unlike team sports it’s all down to you.”
The centre is keen to promote tennis and runs a free outreach programme to primary schools. They are also part of the Breeze Academy offering an alternative curriculum in Sports Leadership to young people in danger of exclusion from mainstream education.
To find out more about what’s on offer at the centre, why not go along to their next open day on Saturday (25 April 2015). Part of the Great British Tennis Weekend, the free session runs from 9:30am-12:30pm and includes adult coaching, family play, mini tennis and free play.
Keep up to date with events and activities at the centre on social media by liking them on Facebook: Tennis JCCS Leeds, or following them on Twitter: @JCCStennis.