Burglary rates fall in South Leeds

Homes in south Leeds have seen a 39% reduction in burglaries compared with the same period last year.

As part of a campaign to work with residents and make them feel safe in their homes, Aire Valley Homes has worked with West Yorkshire Police on a number of crime awareness days and a programme of investing in home security.

Using crime statistics and local knowledge, a number of areas in south Leeds were identified as high risk. Local estates were visited by Aire Valley Homes’ officers and PCSOs to talk to residents about their concerns.

A programme of home security investment is already well underway in south Leeds with new door locks, window locks, additional lighting and alarms being installed at council properties.

Alongside this, locals have flagged up a number of issues they feel could improve the area further including additional CCTV cameras for multi-storey flats and dusk till dawn street lighting in Hunslet.

Patricia Jackson, chair of the Hunslet Tenants and Residents Association said:

“I should like to express my thanks, on behalf of our members, for the interest in our security and safety which has been a hallmark in our dealings with both Aire Valley Homes and the Police and Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team. The good advice received from both organisations and the gift to our members of security devices has helped us all to feel secure in our homes.”

Councillor Peter Gruen, Leeds City Council executive board member for neighbourhoods, planning and support services said:

“Partnership working between Aire Valley Homes and West Yorkshire Police to tackle burglary raStes has been an excellent investment. The reduction rate of burglaries is testament to the hard work and commitment of the two organisations and I am pleased residents are noticing a real effect. “

Simon Costigan, chief executive of Aire Valley Homes, said:

“Working with the police and local residents in this way has shown our visibility in these high risk areas. The crime reduction days have made residents feel more secure as we are listening to their concerns and offering valuable advice. Their views are being taken on board to make our communities safer places to live.”

Inspector Paul Ackerman, Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team, commented:

“The 39% reduction in burglaries is fantastic news. We will continue to listen to residents’ concerns and work with Aire Valley Homes to drive burglary down even further and make south Leeds an even safer place to live and work.”

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