sports day at THE GATE (31)Got to the gate to find the BITMO GATE resource centre already filling up with children and adults.

The weather was a bit overcast and not sure if going to rain, so apart from an obstacle course all the games were inside.

Ben outside in tuition with the children, organizing the Obstacle course.


Andrea, on the Marshmallow challenge. See how many you could move from one basket to another in 1 minute, just using chop sticks. I had a go at this. The winner who could move the most in a minute received a raffle tickets for the prize draw at the end of the afternoon.

The overcast day did not spoil the amount of families turning up; well over 100 children and adults turned out. Many of the volunteers already there ie Phil and Dave. Also nice to see BITMO TMO staff, Caretaker’s and estate Wardens taking part.

One of the caretaker’s, think is name is Neil had a go on John’s (The guitar man) guitar. He was brilliant, doing a bit of jazz, blues and pop.

Jonathon Chapman as DJ for the day playing music tracks at one end of the Centre, John playing Guitar at the other end.sports day at THE GATE (22)

Carla on the face painting table. Even the caretaker’s got into the mood with the face painting as Tigers and Spider Men.

Councillors Paul Trusswell and Kim Groves came to join in the fun. Chris Simpson and others sporting Spiderman face paintings, keeping Carla busy.


Various sport related indoor games kept the children busy ie Table Tennis, Table Football, Darts, thankfully suckered type no sharps. Hoola hoop.

One girl very good at it. Reminded me of my sister, having one about 50 years ago. Crazy Golf and Skittles was very popular.

sports day at THE GATE (20)Julie. On the Create a game table. The winner won a Magic set. In the raffle I managed to win a Lego space rocket. Passed this on to Aidan as nobody I knew, of a young age.

Many of the games won by children received a raffle ticket. Aidan won me at Darts, so received a raffle ticket.



Think it was Lynne making Hot Dogs, which went in no time. Two of the stalls were promoting health living. Healthy Living Network Leeds, giving out slices of fruit, such as melon and orange segments.

On one table quit smoking; hope this lady was very busy. The GATE runs a give up smoking course.

The raffle at our Sports Fun Day on Wednesday afternoon raised £50, which Belle Isle TMO have donated to the Ciaran Bingham Foundation Trust.

binghan trust

The CBFT help local elderly and vulnerable people reconnect to their community. You can read more about the charity here:

At the end of the afternoon, the raffle was drawn and everyone started to make their way home.

Very good of a few volunteers, and me now helping clear up the room for next days opening.