It’s quite a long story so I’m putting my volunteer groups first and concentrating on other parts of my life story over the last 3 years on a weekly blog.
This is a revised version as I’m no longer a volunteer at South Leeds Media (South Leeds Community Radio).
Below are some of the groups I’m involved in.
South Leeds life blog.
Arthington medical centre Patients v Medical Staff.
Belle Isle in Bloom.
Columnist for Bits n Pieces magazine (Bitmo) and take photos and blogger of Bitmo events.
Member of Belle Isle Tenant Board.
Hunslet Carr School Reunion.
A couple of new ones to come up recently Neighbourhood Watch and Diabetic Expert Group. Time will tell if I join these.
First way back in 2012 Lynne Spirritte of BITMO, asked me if I would do a Column for Bits n Pieces Magazine this magazine comes out about once a quarter, and is distributed to rented accommodation, (particularly the sheltered housing part of the complex) in the area.
Because of lack of space, my column did not appear until recently, and is in the spring edition 2014. Got a full page spread.
South Leeds life blog.
From there Lynne Spirrett, told me about a course that South Leeds Life blog and magazine where running and was run by Jeremy Morton. I went on a 10 week course and now I’m a contributor to the blog. At the moment there is no magazine, but in the future a paper edition of the blog may come out.
Blogs I wrote about last year inc. Belle Isle Gala, Hunslet Gala, Middleton Park Gala and Hunslet Warriors Fun Day. Hunslet Club Fun Day. Plus, many smaller events.
Arthington Medical Centre Patients v Medical Staff.
Think this is run by most surgeries. Recent topic has been the new procedure of you can no longer make an appointment to see a doctor or nurse. You ring up, and a nurse or doctor will ring you back and tell you, if you can have an appointment or not.
Latest topic last week’s meeting was too take on more expert groups such as a Diabetic one. If there is time at the surgery to do these, the doctors are interested as the get paid by the government to do these groups.
Belle Isle in Bloom
A group of us meet once a month at the Family Learning Centre. Inc. Kim Groves (Councillor) and Lynne Spirrett from BITMO. Recent meetings have led to for instance bulb planting on Belle Isle Circus and planting of shrubs. Pupils from Windmill Primary School got involved with this. Various other plantings have been seen around the Belle Isle estate. I covered this on South Leeds Life Blog.
Columnist for Bits n Pieces magazine and event blogger/photographer for BITMO.
Wow, where do I start with this one. Last year I covered (for South Leeds Life Blog) the Belle Gala and the opening of the new BITMOs GATE social centre, which used to be the old library. The centre is open weekdays and covers lots of different activates. Inc., Keep fit, discover your Family Tree and Computer courses for the young and Sliver surfers. There’s been a group recently called Head Space, which helped people with Mental Health Problems. Drop in anytime during the week, and find out from Carla and staff, about the month’s activities.
Member of Belle Isle Tenant Board.
We meet up once a month to discuss topics which may help Tenants on council and sheltered housing estates. The recent topic we talked about, Pets in Council Property.
Hunslet Carr School Reunion
These are held first Tuesday in the month at Hunslet Sports and Social Club, and are run by myself and Robert Naylor. There can be as much as 10 old school pupils turn up, ages between 65 and as old as 80. In previous years we have also held an annual reunion at various venues in South Leeds.
Here are some insightful quotes I like…
Lemme know if you like them:
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to development.”
“I, at any rate, am convinced that He (God) does not throw dice.”
“The significant matter is not to stop questioning interest has its own reason for existing.”
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not certain about the universe.”
“Falling in love isn’t at all the most stupid thing that people do — but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.”
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
“Strive not to become a man of success, but instead try to become
a man of worth”