Jessica Kemp from Belle Isle is appealing for a donor to come forward to provide a kidney for her daughter Emily.
Both Emily, aged 11, and her sister Poppy, 10 suffer from a very rare kidney disease call Cystinosis. Whilst the condition can be treated with drugs in the the short term, the only long term solution is a transplant.
Poppy had a successful transplant last year after her father donated one of his kidneys. Unfortunately, Jessica is not a match and so can’t donate a kidney herself.
Healthy adults with two kidneys can lead a normal life with just one functioning kidney. There are around 1,100 live kidney transplants in Britain each year.
If you would like to volunteer to donate a kidney to Emily please email: leedskidneyappeal@nhs.net. You will need to be in the O blood group and under 60 years old. NHS staff will contact you and you will need to undertake further tests to make sure you a match before the procedure can go ahead.
Jessica said:
“If you could apply to donate it would be amazing and we would be eternally grateful. It would help Emily live a longer and healthier life.”

Main photo: Emily Kemp needs a kidney transplant