Last week almost 40 people joined workers from Better Together partners Asha and Health For All, at a World Mental Health Day picnic in Cross Flatts Park.
Enjoying a buffet provided by Sid and the café workers at The Bridge Café, attendees participated in a gentle ‘mental health quiz’ about the things we all can do to help maintain good mental health. A shared lunch was eaten together in the park and then a gentle walk around Cross Flatts Park proved the benefits of walking in green space for reducing anxiety and stress.
Local café users commented:
“I often feel so isolated sat at home, then when I come out to the café and see lots of people here from the local community, I don’t feel so lonely any more.”
Winner of the mental health quiz, Nasima Begum, won by answering correctly that when you feel down, the best things you can do are to phone a friend, go for a walk in some green space, or try to learn a new skill or do something creative, to help lift your mood.
This post was written by Sarah Bradley-Adam
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