Asda has applied for planning permission to permanently extend their trading hours at their store on Old Lane, Beeston.
The store opened in July 2015 and was given a temporary 12 month extension of hours to 6am-midnight (Monday to Saturday) and 10am-10pm (Sundays and Bank Holidays). They are now seeking to make this arrangement permanent.
Asda’s agents state that there have been no complaints from nearby residents relating to noise arising out of these extended opening hours. Asda are also applying to extend the hours of the petrol station and its lighting.
Cllr David Congreve has commented:
“If there have not been any complaints relating to the temporary permission and there are no major objections to these applications then I am comfortable for officers to make a decision under delegated powers.”
The full application and papers can be found online via the Council’s planning portal at: https://publicaccess.leeds.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=OHE66WJBHBZ00. The closing date for comments on application is Friday 6 January 2017.
The store was originally granted planning permission with hours restricted to 8am-11am (Mon-Fri) 10am-10pm (Sun, BH). Asda sought to extend this to 24 hour opening (Mon-Fri), but this was rejected. However they were granted the temporary extension to 6am-midnight (Mon-Fri).
ASDA is only open 10-4pm on a Sunday, not 10-10pm as the article states.
That’s correct Heather, but their planning permission states “the opening hours shall be restricted to … 10:00 – 22:00 on Sundays …” My understanding is that Sunday Trading laws override Planning law, but if the Sunday trading laws were changed Asda wouldn’t have to change their planning permission.