BasementArtsProject | Lunchtime Conversations: Jill McKnight & Josh Hart

BasementArtsProject invites you to join artists Jill McKnight and Josh Hart on Monday 22 January 2018 for the Lunchtime Conversation.

Despite it’s potentially macabre title, ‘Jill & Josh and their Dead Petz’ is a warm and light-hearted look at our understanding of animals and their lives as pets. The exhibition features animation, sculpture, drawing, painting and many stories.

Monday 22nd January | 12.30 – 2.30pm

Come and lighten the dark month of the year by joining us for a cooked lunch, Chilli (veg) and/or CousCous (veg) and a selection of fruit and cheeses followed by a walk through the exhibition with the artists. This event is FREE but places are limited and booking is essential. To book a place visit: or Text/Phone: Bruce Davies on 0750 672 1504

All are welcome and there is tea and coffee aplenty. We look forward to seeing you . . .

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