As the NHS continues to run the largest vaccination programme in its history, the local NHS and Leeds City Council have introduced a second women’s-only drop-in vaccine clinic in south Leeds, in partnership with Women’s Lives Leeds.
The women’s-only drop-in clinic will take place on Wednesday 30 June 2021, 10am-4pm at the Asha Neighbourhood Project, Stratford Street, Beeston, LS11 6JG. Women living in the area who are eligible for the vaccine are encouraged to attend.
The service follows on from the success of Leeds’ first women’s-only vaccine clinic, which took place last month. The clinic will be available for women aged 18 and over, who have not yet had their first dose of the vaccine. This includes women who are unpaid carers, have an underlying health condition, or who have received a text message from their GP practice inviting them to the clinic.
It offers a private space for women to have their first dose of the vaccination among other women from their own communities. Healthcare professionals will also be available to answer any questions or concerns women have about the COVID-19 vaccine. Sam Prince, Executive Director of Operations for the Leeds Covid Vaccination Programme, said:
“We are continuing to work with our partners in the city to look at ways to encourage as many people as possible to have the vaccine and remove any barriers that may prevent people from getting their jab. “This drop-in clinic ensures that local women have a safe, private space to have their vaccine, and the opportunity to discuss any concerns with healthcare professionals.
“The vaccines are our best hope for returning to a normal life. It will not only protect you but also your families and your communities from Covid-19. If there are women in your household or your friends who have not had the vaccine and are eligible (aged 18 or over), please encourage them to come to the new women’s-only drop-in vaccine clinic at Asha Neighbourhood Project.”
Jeannette Morris-Boam, Project Manager at Women’s Live Leeds, said:
“Women’s Lives Leeds are proud to be part of this second women’s-only vaccine clinic, which has been informed and shaped by the views of women and girls in Leeds.
“As an alliance, this meets with our vision of ‘All women and girls are empowered to lead safer and healthier lives’ with their voices directly influencing service design, which demonstrates Leeds leaders striving to be the best, and a women friendly city.”
Councillor Salma Arif, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing at Leeds City Council, said:
“I’m proud to be part of a city that is always looking for innovative new ways to increase uptake of the vaccine. This clinic is taking place following the success of the first women’s-only vaccine clinic in May and the anecdotal evidence has suggested a real appetite for the clinic. I’m delighted with the collaboration between the NHS, women’s organisations and the council to make this happen and, once again, create a safe space for women to get vaccinated.”
This post is based on a press release issued by NHS Leeds