Asda and Aldi Stores in Middleton Open Soon

New Asda and Aldi stores in Middleton will open for business soon

asda store

Exciting developments for two new supermarkets in Middleton are well underway.

Councillors Kim Groves, Judith Blake and Paul Truswell (Labour, Middleton Park) visited the building sites for the new Asda and Aldi branches in the centre of Middleton.

The main structure of the 36,000 sq ft Asda store is now being erected and changes to the road layout are underway. Councillors are looking forward to seeing the store open in May, which will include a petrol station, George clothing, 330 car parking spaces and create up to 375 jobs. Asda will work closely with the Council and Jobcentres to ensure the jobs are offered to long term unemployed people in the local area.

The Councillors were also excited to see that the Aldi store building was now complete. Work is now underway to install electrics and features in the store, which should be opened in March and will provide up to 30 new jobs.

Councillors Groves, Blake and Truswell have fought hard for the stores to be built in Middleton centre, which previously lacked any major supermarkets. They worked closely with the two companies, the Council’s Planning Officers and the community to ensure the stores would directly benefit the people of Middleton.

Recruitment is now underway for the Aldi store and vacancies for Asda will be publicised from February onwards.

Councillor Kim Groves (Middleton Park) said:

“It was great to see how much progress has been made at both developments and we are really excited that the stores will be open soon. From the day Asda and Aldi received planning permission, local people have been eagerly awaiting the new jobs and shopping facilities they will provide. We will work to ensure the jobs are offered to local people to help us tackle long term unemployment in the area.

The new stores are just part of the wider development of Middleton which has included new housing and improvements at Middleton District Shopping Centre. To improve access we have secured extra pedestrian crossings and we are also discussing improvements to bus services in the area. We are sure the stores will become an integral part of the Belle Isle and Middleton community for many years to come.”

More information on Aldi jobs can be found at For information on the Asda development you can visit

 St Georges Centre Job Shop can offer CV help and other advice. Information on jobs at the stores and other job opportunities is also available. The centre is located at St Georges’s Road, Middleton, Leeds, LS10 4UZ

3 Replies to “Asda and Aldi Stores in Middleton Open Soon”

  1. When is Asda going to start advertising job vacancies at the new Middleton store? I go on their site regularly and so far they have only released nine or ten.

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