A message from BITMO Chief Executive Deborah Kelly
We are all in the fourth week of national lockdown and we are doing our best to keep our service to you going, doing more where we can and getting ready for the return to the office when the restrictions are lifted. Your BITMO team are really positive and keeping others cheerful. Some are finding it really hard. We know it is the same for you. Whichever category you are in, we want what is best for you. Wherever you are on that range of responses, know that it is ok and we will support you. That is why we took the decision to change the way we work before the Government told us it was the right thing to do.
We are focused on supporting our tenants at this time. For some nothing will ever take the place of a face to face conversation but at a time when it isn’t possible a friendly voice on the phone can be the next best thing.
BITMOs GATE Belle Isle
We have contacted over 300 individuals who we thought might need support to check on their well-being and let them know we are here to help. Of those people:
• about 4 out of 5 already have support from family or other agencies
• just over half are now getting a regular call from BITMO
• nearly 1 in 3 have got some problems that we are working with them to resolve.
The team are really enjoying befriending our community in this way, and getting great feedback from you. If we haven’t rung you and you think it would be helpful let us know on 0113 378 2188. We’d be really happy to get in touch.
Some key messages I’d like to give you are:
Repairs – please report any repairs to BITMO by phone on 0113 378 2188. We will complete any emergency or urgent repairs. We are logging all other repairs and will carry them out when the restrictions are lifted.
Anti-social behaviour – we have had a big increase in reports of ASB ranging from fly tipping, to noise and gatherings of people that are breaking the social distancing rules set down by the Government. The requirement to Stay home, Protect the NHS and Save lives is backed in law, and it applies to us all. Property Closure Orders and injunctions are being used all over the country to enforce this requirement and we are working with the Police to do the same.
Rent – we are working really hard to support tenants who are struggling financially. Universal Credit claims have gone through the roof as you can imagine. In order to help we need to have regular contact and understand your income and outgoings so please let us help you.
Support if you are struggling – volunteer if you can
Please don’t struggle alone. If you need help call BITMO on 0113 378 2188 and we will provide advice, refer you to others who can help. You may qualify for a food parcel or help with your fuel bills or be able to defer payments on a loan for three months. If you would like to volunteer to help others – for example shopping or delivering food parcels – please call 0113 297 7920.
WIN £100!
We are writing to all tenants asking you to update your contact details and NI numbers. We need this information so we can provide the right service to you at the right time. When you send back your details we will enter you in a prize draw to win one of 3 prizes.
On a final note I am having video meetings with the BITMO management team every day, discussing how we can continue to provide the best service possible in this very difficult time. If you have any suggestions please let us know. Your voice is important. Listening to your thoughts and feedback will help us all get through this and prepare for getting back to work when the time comes.