Would you like to be actively involved in planning improvements to health and wellbeing in South Leeds? We are looking for people who able to give a few hours each month to meet up with people from organisations like the NHS and community groups, and with local Councillors. Together, you will be able to agree priorities to develop services that support people to self-care and thrive using their individual and community assets.
The city’s Health and Wellbeing Board have a vision that Leeds will be a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest. To achieve this vision, the expectation is that local people will always be involved in the design and delivery of strategies and services. Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) is the term used in Leeds to describe this model of joined-up working to deliver local care for local people tailored to local need and the features of each community.
We are developing a pilot scheme to ensure residents can be fully involved in the LCP for Beeston Hill and Hunslet. If you are live in, or are registered to a GP practice in these areas and would like to find out more about taking part, please contact hello@t4p.org.uk telling us why you are interested, or ring us on 07752 881833.
This post was written by Mike Love
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