With the school holidays stretching before us, the iconic local Tetley are hosting a range of family-friendly events and activities in the coming weeks, most of them free – to keep kids and parents alike out of mischief!

Highlights include their fortnightly Family Art Workshops, led by artists, and open to all (but targeted at families with children aged 5-11) – offering participants different creative experiences such as printing, book-making, and recycled art. These are drop-in events running between 11am-3pm on Sundays: 29 July, 12 and 28 August, and 8 and 22 September. Free, no booking required. More info here.
Another feature is their family-friendly event for Leeds Pride, 12pm-5pm on Sunday 5 August – including animated story-telling, fancy dress, creative workshops, outdoor games, face painting, and more. Free, no booking required. More info here.
Their next Tiny Tetley messy creative event for under 5s is on Wednesday 22 August, at 10.30am and 11.45am; £3 per child. More info here.
And ongoing opportunities include free sculpture making in the Learning Studio, 10am-4.30pm Mondays-Saturdays; the Tetley Trail, for children and young people to explore and discover the building, via a free pack from reception (available 10am-5pm, daily); and the ‘Sun Shines Every Day Forever’ play sculpture outside the building anytime; all these are free.
The Tetley is the former headquarters of the Tetley Brewery, now reopened as a major arts, culture and community venue. It is found on Hunslet Road, just south of Leeds Bridge on the edge of the city centre. Click here for more info.