Police aim to tackle speeding vehicles along Elland Road

Holbeck Police HQ site
The proposed site of the new Holbeck Police HQ

Inspector Paul Akerman of Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team has sent us the following information following residents’ concerns about speeding cars on Elland Road:

At the last community consultation meeting in relation to the new West Yorkshire Police Divisional HQ building [on Elland Road], a number of local residents expressed concerns regarding vehicles speeding on Elland Road.
Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team are aware of these issues and on 12th February, PCSOs Johnny Wilson and Dave Lythe spent time on Elland Road with SID, our Speed Indication Device.  SID is funded by Leeds City Council and provides a visible display of the speed of passing motor vehicles. The aim is to raise motorists’ awareness of their speed.
Officers spent two hours in the area and recorded over 200 vehicles speeds, 57 vehicles were recorded as travelling over the 30 mph limit with nine vehicles recorded as travelling at speeds in excess of 40mph. The majority of motorists, however, were law abiding in this instance.
As a follow up measure, when SID is deployed a warning letter is sent out to the registered keeper of the vehicle to advise them that on the stated date at a specific location they were observed travelling in excess of the local speed limit. The letters also warn of the dangers, to themselves and other road users and pedestrians, of travelling at excess speed and as a consequence of this their actions may result in repeat offenders receiving a fixed penalty ticket and penalty points on their driving licence.
In response to residents concerns officers from Holbeck NPT have deployed the educational Speed Indication Device in a number of key areas within the neighbourhood and further operations in the Elland Road area are planned later this month. The action is aimed at addressing poor standards of driving, and to provide a visible deterrent to motorists. Officers also take positive action if any other offences are observed such as failure to wear a seatbelt, or use of a mobile phone whilst driving.
Community support officers are also linking in with local primary schools including St Luke’s Primary School, working alongside small groups of children to raise awareness, engage with the community and add extra impact to the deployment of the Speed Indication Device. The opportunity is also taken to re-enforce road safety advice to the children and remind them of good practice in relation to busy roads.
If you feel that motorist are speeding in your area, please contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Teamor email ca.community@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk