Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites, blogs and across Facebook and Twitter.
We start this week in Holbeck where there’s been quite a kerfuffle about the plans for Temple Mill online this week. First the Council put out a press release ahead of today’s Exec Board meeting that Greenhouse developer Citu would be refurbishing the mill. The Leeds Citizen picked up on the fact that the Council made no reference to Temple Works to voluntary group who have been looking after the space for the past few years. Citu then clarified that they would be setting up a separate charitable trust to own the mill. We corrected our story and have happily published two long comments from Phil Kirby and Susan Williamson of Temple Works.
Temple Mill was built as a flax mill and Chris Nickson has reproduced testimony of what it was like to work as a child in the Leeds flax mills – harrowing stuff.
If your child is at Middleton St Mary’s primary school you must look at their blog. It has details of what each class will be studying this half term – everything from Ancient Greece to Pirates – and don’t forget Brain Week!
Last Sunday was the Abbey Dash and there were plenty of runners from South Leeds taking part. Ewan Mitchell (Run Sancho Run) and Debs Davies (Rosietints) have both blogged about the race, whilst we also spotted Parkrun regulars Jonathan Bliss and Mike Wallis post good finishing times on Twitter. Well done to all!
A list of South Leeds building we wished we still had appeared on, where else, Leeds List. They included the Middleton Arms, Middleton Lodge and Cottingley Hall farm – did they miss any?
Speaking of lost buildings, following her story here, Lucy Potter has set up a Facebook page for Save the Spotted Cow’s Head. The campaign has attracted attention from the YEP.
Meanwhile the Friends of Stank Hall Barn point out that today is World Toilet Day (19 November 2014). Stank Hall boasts a ‘garderobe’ a medieval toilet and dry cleaning arrangement (something to do with ammonia) apparently it’s one of very few left in Yorkshire.
If you can’t wait for our preview of next week’s Inner South Community Committee take a look at Cllr Angela Gabriel’s video invitation.
There’s been lots of reports from Groundwork’s Men In Sheds project in Holbeck. The Yorkshire Evening Post and BBC Radio Leeds have both paid a visit. Of course we covered the story first, back in September 2013 and again in April 2014 (just saying).
The Inner South Neighbourhood Policing Team have shared information about a dementia-friendly performance of White Christmas at West Yorkshire Playhouse on 16 December.
And finally, Yvonne Crowther from the marvellous Café Me’n’u and Cardinal Youth Club has put out a heartfelt request for funds and reliable volunteers to help her through a funding crisis. Please help if you can.