Forthcoming events in Belle Isle and Hunslet

Fundraising event at St John & St Barnabas Church (25 October); Thriller Dance (5 November) In Belle Isle And Hunslet

st barn churchSaturday 25 October there is a fundraising event at St. John & St Barnabas Church.

Starts at 10.30 with free entry.

Bouncy castle, face painting, tombola and lots more.

All money raised goes to D4F Dance.






Thriller Dance, by children from Windmill Primary School, will be on Wednesday 5 November. 9:00 at Windmill, 9:30 at BITMO Housing Office, 10:15 at Morrisons. Final show outside Low Road Primary School at

All children can dress in Halloween costume. This is a very popular event please come along to watch.

Quote Kenneth Ingram. “Saw Thriller Dance at BITMO GATE last year. Believe me, not to be missed.”