New road crossing for Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy

A new zebra crossing is to be installed on St George’s Road close to the new Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy.

The new crossing will replace the existing pedestrian refuge be on a raised speed table. No waiting at any time restrictions will be applied to a stretch of St George’s Road to the south of the crossing and the access road to the school and the St George’s Centre car park.

The works are being undertaken as a condition of the school’s planning permission. The report states that the scheme is anticipated to have the following benefits:

  • Introduction of accessible formal crossing points situated on a flat top traffic calming feature, providing a safer passage for cyclists and all pedestrians, especially those with mobility issues, disabled people, parents supporting pushchairs and young and old people.
  • Greater independence and choice for children travelling to and from school using more sustainable modes of travel.
  • Make it more pleasant to walk or cycle, thus encouraging a healthier lifestyle.
  • Improve quality of life for the local community.
  • Remove unsafe parking in the vicinity of the school and crossing points, improving the visibility for pedestrians wishing to cross and drivers approaching the waiting pedestrians is enhanced, thus improving crossing safety;
  • Introduction of a Parking Places Order in the car park for St Georges Centre for a “park in marked bays” restriction to prevent indiscriminate parking as a result of the extra traffic for the school; and
  • The amendment of traffic calming features will further assist in slowing driver speeds thus improving the road environment for all road users.

The changes are subject to a traffic regulation order which will be advertised shortly, but if no objections are received the works will go ahead and are expected to be completed by March 2022.

You can read the full report here.

Click to enlarge


Photo: The existing pedestrian refuge will be replaced with a zebra crossing. Photo taken earlier this year via Google Streetview