Carrieanne Vivianette and her theatre company CViV Arts began a research development project last year and concentrated on three key subject matters:
- Desire and want
- Societal Rejection
- Resilience
The end piece of drama “What Are You Hungry For?” draws upon various theatre techniques and wide-ranging viewpoints gleaned from the community in order to offer three very different presentations of those themes.
In Scene 1: we will see a character based devising from new, commissioned writing
In Scene 2: we will experience physical theatre – movement symbolism representing individual desires and what happens if those desires are not met (this was developed from a public responses – survey)
In Scene 3: we will see a piece devised from text extracts taken from commissioned writing, and ideas that are taken from a devising workshop and that have been developed using public feedback.
‘What Are You Hungry For?’ attempts to reach its audience with empathy and will encourage us to find and nurture our inner compassion and courage in the face of the injustice we can be up against in life.
To find out more about CVIVArts Theatre visit www.carrieannevivianette.co.uk
“What Are You Hungry For” will be performed at Slung Low on Sunday 31 October 2021 from 8-9pm.
Book your tickets here: www.slunglow.org/shows
We have two FREE* tickets for any readers who would like to attend the show and write a review for South Leeds Life. Please email info@southleedslife.com telling us why you would like the tickets.
Photo: Meanwood Urban Farm – outdoor workshop space during the pandemic – fixed exercises and improvisations around ‘desire’ (and a lot of resilience in tough weather). Photography by truenorthuk.com