Allotment holders at Old Lane in Beeston have launched a petition calling on the Council to reverse its latest rent increase.

Steve Johnston from the group explains that allotment rents have risen above the rate of inflation for the last 3 years. As previously reported, Leeds City Council is being forced to make a further £50m of cuts this year due to reductions in funding from the government. The Council is planning to increase rents at Old Lane from £38 to £160 a year, a rise of 400%.
“This will drive away many of those on fixed incomes and the poorest of allotment holders. At a time of mass unemployment the Labour Council should be reducing rents to help working class people.” said Johnston.
The group are calling for a “fight back against Condem austerity” and are planning to demonstrate outside the Council’s meeting on 27th February. If you would like to support their Lobby you are urged to don your overalls and bring your gardening tools and join them at the Civic Hall at 12:00 noon.
You can download the petition here: Defend our allotments petition
Contact Steve Johnston
Is the Council proposing to increase the rent for an allotment at Old Lane from £38 a year in 2012/13 to £160 a year in 2013/14?
This was in response to an article in the YEP in early Dec quoting a councillor who was against the proposals. The article does not give a time line for the proposals. Our Chair immediately contacted our councillor by e mail but by 14th Jan had no reply, A letter in the YEP about these proposals was not greeted by denials so I assume these proposals are alive and kicking somewhere in the Civic Hall. Just to note that rent increases over the last 3 years have exceeded inflation.
There’s a judicial review coming which will examine how allotment rents should be set. Until that’s complete, councils should hold fire on increases like this.