Middleton council housing scheme goes to Plans Panel

Plans for 119 new council houses and a 60 bedroom extra care facility will go before Councillors sitting on the South & West plans Panel on Thursday 1 April 2021.

As we have reported previously, this project will develop land bounded by Throstle Road, Throstle Lane and Middleton Park Avenue, together with the site of the former Middleton Skills Centre on the corner of Middleton Park Avenue and Sissons Road.

The new Extra Care Facility will house 47 one bedroom and 13 two bedroom apartments and services including a community hub, café, hair and beauty salon and flexible community events area.

100 general needs homes will be built: 60 two bedroom; 38 three bedroom and 2 four bedroom houses; together with 16 one bedroom, fully wheelchair accessible, flexible bungalows for adults of a working age.

Following community consultation, a planning application was submitted in December. The application is now going to panel on a technicality as the main site is slightly different to that described in the Council’s Site Allocations Plan (SAP).

In the SAP the greenspace land (owned by Wades Charity and leased to Leeds City Council) is located at the eastern end of the site, but the proposed scheme moves the greenspace to a more central position. This move has been agreed with Wades Charity and access to greenspace will be maintained throughout the building works. The finished green space will include a grass full size football pitch as well as landscaped areas for play and dog walking.

Officers are recommending the application is approved subject to conditions. You can read the full panel report here

Note: minor changes have been made to plans since this visual was created earlier in the consultation process.

Main image shows an artists impression of the 60 bed Extra Care Facility