Photo: Jeremy Morton
The Council is proposing a 20mph speed limit for the Cross Flatts area of Beeston. This is one of 25 schemes in the city, which were publicised at the end of last week.
If this goes ahead it will cover the area bounded by Dewsbury Road, Old Lane, Beeston Road (but not including these roads) and Cross Flatts Park. It excludes Chatsworth Avenue, Chatsworth Crescent and Chatsworth Drive.
You can download a plan showing the streets affected here: 20mph Cross Flatts Beeston
Jonathan Waters, an Assistant Engineer at the Council said:
“There are no proposals to implement any traffic calming features, as speed surveys undertaken on certain roads within the area showed mean speeds to be at a level below the trigger point for traffic calming (27mph), as stipulated by the Police.
“As with all such zones, we will undertake post-implementation speed surveys to ascertain if any extra work is required at any location.
“With these surveys, we can ascertain what the level of compliance is and request the Police undertake periods of enforcement with a view to dissuading road users from speeding.”
Full details are available at the Central Library and Morley Library* and anyone who wants to make comments about the proposal or raise objections should email legal.development@leeds.gov.uk setting out the grounds for their objections by 12 noon on Monday 28 October 2013 quoting reference A76JL/SL10.
* South Leeds Life asked why the proposals weren’t available in Beeston Library and were told this was an ‘oversight’; our reporter suggested making such information available on the Council’s website would also be useful in future.
Excellent idea. This has been needed for some time.
Waste of time & money…..
Most sensible drivers don’t exceed 20mph on these streets anyway.
Its only the idiots that speed and signs won’t deter them…..
This evening I watched a guy mount the pavement at the pelican crossing outside St Anthonys church and speed of onto Wooler Rd. He isn’t going to take any notice of 20mph signs….