Spotty Socks Theatre Company, part of Guisley-based Codswallop CIC, are bringing their production of John Godber’s education comedy ‘Teechers’ to Beeston Parish Centre.
The action takes place as a play-within-a-play as three school leavers, inspired by their drama teacher, act out the story of their secondary education, hilariously revisiting everyone’s favourite high school memories.
Originally written in the 1980s by John Godber for the Hull Truck company, the play remains relevent and has been performed many times since.
In fact Godber stipulated the use of contemporary chart music to keep the play current.
Everything in the play is reduced to the bare essentials, with very little set and the three actors playing twenty other parts.
Teechers is on tour around community venues in Leeds. On Saturday 2 December it will be performed at Beeston Parish Centre on Town Street, opposite the Co-op, starting at 7:30pm.
The performance is pay-what-you-can. Spotty Socks typically suggest £10 per ticket booked as a reasonable amount, however, if a pound or 50p is all you have to spare, that is equally as gratefully received. But, of course, if you are able to afford your own ticket and find you are in the position to subsidise someone else’s ticket too, your contribution will help us to continue making the arts accessible within the community.
Absolutely brilliant, well-observed, cleverly written, and very funny.
It’s theatre in the round, with the three performers seamlessly moving from one character to another, very engaging and down-to-earth in this full-on performance.
Definitely a must for anyone involved in secondary education!!!