The frosts have arrived, the leaves have fallen and the hedgehogs are getting ready to hibernate, so what better way to celebrate the arrival of winter than with our winter festival.
Skelton Grange Environment Centre is opening its doors to its Winter Festival. The event will feature a variety of workshops including green woodworking, bushcraft skills, charcoal making and other environmental arts and crafts. The event will take place on Friday 13 December 2013 from 10am until 3pm and is free to attend.
The Friends of Skelton Grange are delighted to invite people to its Winter Festival event as part of the ‘Outside Together’ programme of environmentally themed, community learning and volunteering events, for people from the local area and follows on from the success of events such as the family woodland day, apple pressing and the fungi woodland walk.
Having secured £9861 of funding from the Big Lottery Fund, The Friends of Skelton Grange are running a varied 12 month programme of events, with something to appeal to everyone! The group will be working in partnership with the Conservation Volunteers on many of the events, including sessions on food growing and cooking, wildlife surveys, habitat management, green woodworking and environmental discovery.
Each workshop will teach people new skills, such as meadow management or amphibian identification, and will contribute to improving the local environment for wildlife and visitors to the site. The workshops also provide an opportunity for people to meet others from the local community and crucially, to enjoy themselves.
To find out further details relating to the ‘Winter Festival’ event or other upcoming events, please visit, email, or call the centre on 0113 243 0815.