Thirty people called in to wish South Leeds Life well on Wednesday (17 February 2016) as we celebrated five years online, one year in print and the formation of South Leeds Life CIC (No 9998695).
Ed Carlisle, one of the directors of the new company, explained that forming the CIC (Community Interest Company) was a big step forward. “We are moving on from being a community group to a sustainable social enterprise.”
CICs are a fairly new legal form and sit between for-profit companies and registered charities. South Leeds Life CIC will trade, selling advertising for example, but all profits will be ploughed back into the organisation.
Ed went on to say that currently our finances are somewhat precarious with only enough cash in the bank for one or two more print editions. We get income from grants, from advertising and from groups and individuals who support us by becoming ‘Friends’.
We now want to expand this and are asking all our readers to consider taking out a supporters subscription. Everyone who takes out a £4 per month bank standing order will be credited on the website and have our newspaper delivered to their door. More importantly you will be enabling us to keep bringing you the news that matters to you about your neighbourhood.
We know times are tough and not everyone can afford to pay for their news, so the website and the newspaper will both remain free.
We are trusting ourselves to you, the South Leeds community. We will continue to apply for grants and sell advertising, but achieving a bedrock of supporters’ subscriptions will give us a firm financial footing and help us plan for the future.
Download your subsciption form here and become a Pound-a-week Supporter today: Pound-a-week-Standing-Order; or email us your address and we will send you a form