Plant Based Councils is a nationwide campaign to get councils to switch to 100% plant based food and drink for internal meetings and events. We promoted our campaign for Leeds City Council at the ‘Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival’ which was held at the John Charles Centre for Sport recently. It was a busy day with lots of conversations, people wanting to get involved and volunteer with us, and lots of signatures added to our petition.
The Leeds campaign has been running since 2023, and the main reason we want to see Leeds City Council change is because of climate change. Producing plant based food uses less land and water, and has lower emissions when compared to meat and dairy production. We feel this would be a simple change for the council to make, and one which would have huge benefits for the city and the planet.
The amount of people adopting plant based diets has surged over the last 5 years. There are lots of delicious alternatives to meat and dairy in the supermarket, and vegan menus in the majority of chain restaurants. It’s never been easier, to make positive changes to your diet.
Lots of councils around the country have committed to serving only plant based food. These include Oxford, Exeter, Nottingham, Lincoln and recently Calderdale. It would be great to have Leeds added to that list!
Being a volunteer is rewarding, and I enjoy being part of a group of like minded people. We have regular events and will be holding more information stalls in 2025. If you would like to be part of our team, please look at the plant based councils website for more information: www.plantbasedcouncils.org.
This post was written by Jody Fitzgerald
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So you will no longer be able to have a cup of tea or coffee with milk? What about diabetics who can’t have things like coffee mate because they are made from glucose? Is there an alternative to milk in tea or are we forced to have it black with maybe a slice of lemon or a glass of fresh orange juice polluting the air being dried and shipped over here before being reconstituted into an inferior produce. The council are poor so maybe they will be expecting you to drink only water (tepid because it would use electricity to have a water cooler thus defeating the object0. To a lot of us lowly creatures in the Leeds domain it looks like once again the narcissistic council are bowing down to a minority group and FORCING the people they are supposed to represent into doing what they have decided is a good idea. Whatever happened to choice in Leeds …
Absolute garbage and propaganda. Plant-based food yields far less nutrition than a mixed diet, uses far more land and water for items like alternative milks and cannot replace proteins vital to healthy growth in children.
These activists should leave people to make their own food choices. You know, like a free society or something, rather than peddling pseudo-virtuous boondoggles
There are enough cabbages on the council already