Weather warning by Police

West Yorkshire Police – Leeds.


Please make sure you prepare for the conditions outside. Check on your neighbour, it’s the time for giving.

I know that everyone leads busy lives but, if you have elderly neighbours, do keep an eye out for them. They are more vulnerable than the rest of us, especially in extreme weather conditions such as when winter is here.

Think neighbour, when you receive alerts for severe conditions.

These are the times when the elderly and those needing care are especially vulnerable.

Being a good neighbour also means to pop round and have a cuppa, as so many older people are lonely and their four walls are their prison. In fact they would have more company if they were, in fact, in prison. When you visit, you may be the only person they have spoken to for days.

Remember, older people’s welfare is everyone’s problem, like it is for elder abuse. We all need to play our part.

Can I also remind people not to leave their cars running unattended whilst you defrost the windows etc.

Many thanks from you local Police