Sergeant Di Whiteside attended the latest police and communities together meeting run by the Voice of Holbeck group. Here’s Holbeck NPT’s report:
• the Neighbourhood Plan. Holbeck is trialling the new government initiative and are looking at long term and short term plans. Once decided there will be a referendum in the community. The next meeting to discuss this initiative is on 10 December 2012.
• the new Police station. Leeds City Council are to impose a parking permit system for Leeds United match days around Holbeck, Cottingley and Beeston. This will mean that only residents can park in those areas.
• Work will shortly be started on Brown Lane East, where a new housing estate is being built. To be completed in the next three years.
• a Holbeck newsletter is to be produced with the assistance of Holbeck NPT and then delivered during the ‘One street per day’ initiative.
• Forthcoming events include: A Stars in Their Eyes evening on 7th December, Holbeck Pantomime on 14th and 15th December and Holbeck Carol service on 16th December.
• Potential funding for benches in the new skate park from money recovered by the Police under the Proceeds of Crime ACT (POCA)
Sergeant Whiteside distributed crime prevention leaflets in relation to house burglary during the darker nights and there was a discussion regarding prostitution in the area. This issue will remain as the local priority for Holbeck NPT.
All agencies agreed to promote the PACT meetings to local residents to try to get more people involved.
The next meeting is on Thursday 28 February 2013 at 7pm.
What is this about a new housing estate on Brown Lane East? This is the first I’ve heard of it?
I think this is housing to replace some of the back to back housing that has been demolished and I understand is to provided by Unity Housing Association.
It would be good to know more about this and ensure residents are consulted about what is to be provided and to have firmer ideas about the timescale as “To be completed in the next three years’ is a bit vague…
When is development scheduled to start?