Vice President of Zambia pays unexpected visit to Skelton Grange Environment Centre


Ralph Walker from Skelton Grange Environment Centre has been in touch:

Zambia Skelton Grange

When the volunteers and staff turned up at Skelton Grange yesterday it was the beginning of another lovely day at the centre. The sun was shining and the natural colours across the site seemed to be developing with each passing hour to the excitement of the people and wildlife alike. The visiting children were out enjoying exploring nature; particularly focussing on minibeasts in the water with pond dipping, minibeasts in the trees with sweep nets and minibeasts on the ground with bug observation jars amongst the dappled light of the woodland.

A tranquil picnic lunch passed and then quite out of the blue there was an unexpected arrival at the reception. It turned out to be the Vice President of Zambia, Guy Scott with his entourage. After a tour of the site and a short pause for a photo he was off leaving us with this quote:

“The importance of contact with nature for urban kids is a universal theme – whether in Lusaka or Leeds it is crucial to preserve natural green spaces in urban areas so children do not grow up having never stood under a tree canopy or played on grass.”

The Conservation Volunteers would like to say thanks to Guy Scott and his team for popping by. We wonder who might decide to show up for The Green Team practical volunteer day today?!