A range of agencies made their way to the Recreations in Holbeck today (24 March 2015) to talk to residents in the next stage of their work to help landlords improve the area.
The Leeds Neighbourhood Approach is an intensive project that has been piloted in Armley and Harehills. As well as Council housing staff, Police, Fire and Credit Union staff were on hand to help. This work follows on from the landlords meeting held earlier this month.
The central work is to survey houses owned by private landlords, making sure they meet legal requirements and helping them to make improvements. On top of that work agencies were talking to residents about a host of other issues including anti-social behaviour, debt problems, employment and empty homes. The council will undertake a skills audit and offer targeted assistance to help people get into work or training.
Innovative social enterprise Leeds Empties are bringing their skills to bear on the seventy empty properties in the wider area. They can offer help to owners to either bring the property back into use or to sell it.
Officers said they’d had a positive response from residents at the door or coming to the HUGO digital inclusion bus to talk further.
Councillor Peter Gruen, executive member for neighbourhoods, planning and personnel, said:
“This is now a tried and tested approach in other areas and we know we can make a significant difference.
“By working closely with our partners, owners, landlords and tenants we can improve the condition of homes and bring empty properties back into use which has the knock on effect of helping to build safer and stronger communities.”