Here’s another entry for the 2019 St Luke’s CARES Community Awards, it has been submitted by Hayley Chalders on behalf of Supreme Starlets. For details of how YOUR community group can enter please click here.
Supreme Starlets is a majorette troupe which is based in Belle Isle /Middleton. We train twice weekly at Middleton Primary School. We were established in 2009 and have recently celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We are a not for profit organisation and are run by troupe leaders Hayley Chalders and Lisa Caley.
We provide children and young adults between the ages 3 and 21 years a safe environment to practice their much loved hobby of majorettes. Supreme starlets also works with children with learning difficulties which makes it even more important for the children to get the chance to interact with other children and be given the chance to have fun whilst learning majorettes.
We believe that it is important for the young people from our community a chance to learn a sport, keep fit, be healthy and teach them focus and discipline. We also provide support for the parents of our members with advice and sometimes financial help linked to the children attending the group.
We keep the cost of training to a bare minimum and just cover the hall hire to allow us to reach the most vulnerable children from our community. This also means we are a popular choice within the community and have a high retention rate with people accessing our group.
Supreme Starlets are hoping to compete in the Great British Baton Twirling Association Nationals in Blackpool 2019, however we are struggling to provide accommodation costs for our members. We are hoping to raise enough funds for our members to stay and eat over the weekend as well as paying the association fee for our members to enter the event. We are also wanting to raise funds for uniforms for the members to compete in and provide them with some new equipment so that they feel as professional as some of the more established troupes.
This event is a major event run by the leading association of its kind in the UK. We are passionate in trying to provide our members with the best possible experiences that are available to them and to allow them opportunities that they would not be able to usually access.
This is a fantastic chance for our members to get a real insight into different styles, cultures, celebrate diversity and encourage life long friendships. It will allow them to feel a real sense of pride and are hoping it will also bring the team closer together through this amazing shared experience. Due to the location of our troupe many of our members have not had the opportunity to leave the city so this potential experience would give them the ambition to seek out other places and increase their awareness of other geographical locations.
The members of Supreme Starlets would be benefited in so many ways if we were to be successful.
This post was written by Hayley Chalders
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