Summer fayres and parkrun last weekend

Middleton Woods Parkrun

Early last Saturday (15 July 2023) I made my way to Middleton Woods parkrun, on a very rainy morning.

Middleton Woods Parkrun

Josh, the Run Director, and another volunteer were putting arrows around around the route and the Middleton Woods parkrun banner. All the runners pass the banner and I include them in any photos I’m taking.

I marshal at what’s become known as ‘Ken’s Corner’. Josh put me there as I could shelter under the trees and not get as wet.

The week before I marshalled at the corner of Nick’s View and The Rose Garden, giving me a different view to take photos.

There were not as many runners as usual, probably because of the weather.

I took around 100 photos which were posted on the Facebook Page and website a day later.

Anyway, when the run finished, I went to the Bike Park café. On this occasion I went inside the for a drink as it was a bit wet for outside.

Alicia and Nicola at Leeds Urban Bike Park Café

It was lovely to see the café very Busy. Marshals and the Run Director were putting the tokens back in number order. Please visit the Leeds Urban Bike Park

Left the Parkrun to go on my next assignment: the Middleton Elderly Aid (MEA) Annual Summer Fayre.

Middleton Elderly Aid Summer Fayre

It was still raining, so there were no gazebos outside as there were in past years.

I was met by Tracey, who was putting visitors’ names on a list.

Despite the weather the centre was packed. I had a go on the Tombola. I got some raffle tickets from Walter, and later I won a prize. Spider Man was there and I got a photograph. I saw Mavis and bought some of her buns.

Samantha and Wayne

It was lovely to see Cllr Wayne Dixon (SDP, Middleton Park) at the Fayre and I managed to get a photograph of Wayne with Sam Ely (MEA’s Cheif Officer). There was plenty going on with many things on sale. Sam tells me a whopping £1,200 was raised at the Fayre to add to MEA Funds.

I left the Fayre to go onto my third and final assignment of the day.



St Cross Church Summer Fayre

St Cross Church Middleton

The Church Fayre was busy too, but not as busy as usual, maybe the weather put them off.

I noticed a few Acre Court residents at the Church buying items and drinking and enjoying a sandwich.

I had a go on the Tombola, which we always see at these events.

I was disappointed that the West Indian lady was not there for me to buy some of her fantastic curries.

I did buy some CDs as I did at Middleton Elderly Aid’s Fayre.

Well that was that, I went home tired, to edit around 150 photos taken at the three events to go on Facebook and South Leeds Life Blog, later.

Kenneth Ingram (Blogger for South Leeds Life, Acre Court, Middleton Elderly Aid and Leeds Urban Bike Café).


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