It’s been a fixture on Dewsbury Road for the best part of a decade and owner Garry Hewitt hopes his cafe ‘Only Food and Sauces’ will continue for a long time yet – but under new management.
“After seven years of fun and laughter, meeting some great people in such a great cafe, it is with an heavy heart that we have to say it’s time to sell the business as we are retiring” explains Garry.
The new owners of the shop will benefit from having a good landlord, a fair rent and having a great position on one of busiest Roads in South Leeds.
With wife Julie and daughter Hayley beavering away behind the counter the cafe has built up a loyal customer base.
In 2019 we reported that the cafe had been voted 2nd best cafe of the year by Yorkshire Evening Post readers.
One customer told us then:
“I love coming here every day because I know I will have a hot, tasty meal and the staff are very friendly. I know everybody by their names and sometimes I just pop in for a second time because it is so homely.”
The idea for an ‘Eastenders’ style cafe came from Julie when she was made redundant. Garry came up with the name whilst watching the family’s favourite TCV show Only Fools and Horses.
Garry is very keen to sell it to someone who will keep it as a traditional English cafe and who is local to South Leeds “to keep it in the community.”
The shop will be sold with all the fixtures and fittings so it can be ready for trade from day one.
If you are interested in buying the business please ring Garry for details on 07526 851855.
How much you selling for as me daughter is interested in the business
Hi Shelley, I believe the cafe was sold some months ago.