Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites, blogs and across Facebook.

There’s a definite photo theme to this week’s roundup. Perhaps the better weather has encouraged people to get their cameras out? Friends of Middleton Park have this photo on their Facebook page showing a new viewing platform on Middleton Broom, part of the Lottery-funded park improvements. Some people are even calling this the best view of Leeds.
Lucy Potter has has some lovely photos on her blog, LucyLines, taken last Saturday, starting on the Bedroom Tax demo, then looking around town and on her way back to Beeston.
Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team have a rogue’s gallery on their Facebook page of 18 individuals who they would like to talk to about various incidents. Can you identify any of them? Ring 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. They also have a warning about a scam alert that claims “Your computer has been locked” by the Police. It hasn’t, don’t pay any money.
Quadcopter Aerial Photography is run by a guy from Beeston, he has some amazing birds eye films of the Leeds Eye, a fun fair and south Leeds in snow.It’s all on his Facebook page.
South Leeds & Morley Scouts were centre stage at the St George’s Day parade in Morley on Sunday and have lots of photos on their Facebook page.
Beeston in Bloom have another photo update of their recent work over on their blog Beeston Blooms. They also show some intriguing graffiti that has appeared on telecom boxes on Beeston Road. I say graffiti, but actually it’s rather lovely decoration .
Beeston’s food blogger Ewan Mitchell writes his first post over at the excellent The Culture Vulture. He’s complaining about trendy food and wants to consign “Pulled Pork” to Room 101.
Guardian Northerner previews the Leeds Big Bookend literary festival which styles itself “A rock festival for words” which takes place on 8th & 9th June. Tony Harrison, of V and Holbeck Cemetery fame will be headlining, but my eye was caught by the Young Writers comprtition. This is confusingly called LS13, but is not exclusive to Bramley. Anyone under 40 with an LS postcode can enter.
Westwood Community Association have had to rearrange their AGM a couple of times. It’s now due to take place on 2nd May at Westwood Primary School at 7:15pm. Full details are on their Facebook page.
Finally all is not well over on the Cottingley Hall TRAC Facebook page where people are complaining about rubbish, dumping and bin collections (or lack of them). There is happier news about possible Virgin Broadband rebates and new planters in Sphinx Square.