On Monday 24 September the ‘South Leeds Together’ programme will be holding its launch event at John Charles Centre for Sport. Organisations that are interested in learning more about this European Structural and Investment Fund scheme are invited to come along and learn about how they might access funding for new employment, skills and enterprise support projects.
As South Leeds Life has previously reported, the area has its own Local Action Group (LAG), which is a made up of residents, private, public, and third sector organisations. A development strategy for the area has been created and the LAG will be putting out specific funding calls over the next year that will help address the objectives in the document. Organisations can apply to deliver new and innovative employment and business development opportunities in the local area.

The launch event will start at 5:30pm on Monday 24 September in the Parkside Suite at John Charles Centre for Sport. It will consist of interactive discussions, a question and answer session, and an opportunity to learn which areas of South Leeds are covered by the scheme. It follows a similar event at Morley Town Hall on 17 September.
Rev Lindsey Pearson, Chair of the South Leeds Local Action Group said:
“Our strategy for the South Leeds Together programme has been developed to provide employment opportunities in some of our most deprived neighbourhoods. We want to work with those that are furthest from the job market and have prioritised three key groups of people; we’d like to see interventions which support workless families, interventions which support people with disabilities into employment, and interventions which support sex workers into alternative employment.
“We’d like organisations to come forward with innovative ideas to help us deliver our strategy, and over the next year we’ll be putting out calls for applications that we’ll assess for the funding.
“Any organisation that is interested in finding out more about how they might access the monies is welcome to attend our launch events on 17 or 24 September. We’d love to see what new projects we can garner from this funding programme.”
To register for the event, or to find out more, interested participants are asked to contact Brendan Tannam on brendan.tannam@leeds.gov.uk or visit www.LeedsCLLD.co.uk
Alternatively you can book your place here.