Middleton St Mary’s Primary School opened their new play provision for their Reception class this afternoon (15 May 2018).
Headteacher Naomi Wood explained that the play equipment was part of the school’s strategy to improve the low results for the Foundation Stage (nursery and Reception):
“All the activities are about improving the brain. Riding the bikes requires use of both sides of the brain; climbing involves learning to take risks; and the chickens and guinea pigs require nurturing skills.
“The play area has only been in use two weeks, but already we’ve seen an improvement in the children’s work in class in terms of focus, engagement and behaviour.”
Mrs Wood thanked the School Governors for agreeing to pay for the new equipment out of the school budget.
Officially opening the new play area, Cllr Paul Truswell said:
“I’m very proud to be a Councillor for this area and a governor at this school. Seeing this playground takes me back, my primary school set me up for life. Education starts with play, it’s not just about SATS.”
Then it was time for the children to show their parents round. Refreshment included cakes baked by the children with eggs from the school chickens.