Scoop It Up: Voice of Holbeck and Friends of Holbeck Cemetery add their support

“People just don’t seem to think it’s their responsibility to clean up after their animal,” says Dennis Kitchen. “They think they can just leave it for someone else to clear up.”

Scoop It Up!

South Leeds Life caught up with two local groups – the Voice of Holbeck and Friends of Holbeck Cemetery – as we continue our campaign to encourage irresponsible dog owners to scoop up after their pets – and for local people to report offenders.

Dennis, of VoH, added;

“We have the multi-use games area on the moor and there are a number of people who use it as an area to let their dogs off the lead and do their stuff without cleaning it up. It’s an area used by teenagers and children for football and games.

“I understand dogs have to do it somewhere, but it’s irresponsible of the owners to let them do it there, or on footpaths or on the Moor itself. Teams have a job to clear the pitches before a match sometimes. People just send their dogs out and don’t care.”

Eve Tidswell, from the Friends, said:

“Most dog walkers are very good, but you get a small minority that aren’t. It is upsetting for people to go to visit a loved one’s grave to find a dog’s messed on it. It’s hugely direspectful – it’s a cemetery at the end of the day. People should use the bins.”

Love dogs? Hate dog fouling? If you know of someone who persistently fails to pick up after their pet, report them – telephone 0113 222 4407 or email

You can also report problems to the council through the wonderful Fix My Street website.

You can also help South Leeds Life map where the biggest problems with dog fouling are by adding problem areas to our interactive map.