As South Leeds Life continues its Scoop it Up campaign, your reports of dog fouling problems in south Leeds are continuing to come into democracy site Fix My Street.
One of the latest reports includes this one from Beeston:
I am disgusted at the amount of dog fouling along the streets in Cross Flatts, along Wooler Road outside St Anthony’s School and along Barkly Road towards Old Lane/Co-op. You cannot walk along the streets around Cross Flatts without dog muck being within every six foot on the path.
And this problem in Middleton seems to be an ongoing one:
The plantation walk alongside the New Forest Plantation is awash with dog excrement from irresponsible dog owners who do not pick up.
You can report a problem with dog fouling to Leeds City Council via Fix My Street here.
If you know of someone who persistently fails to pick up after their pet, you can also report them to the council on 0113 222 4407 or email
You can also help South Leeds Life map where the biggest problems with dog fouling are by adding problem areas to our interactive map below:
Our map’s had almost 2,500 views since we launched Scoop It Up campaign last month.